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Anti Climb Paint (Anti-Vandal Paint)
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New Venture Product's Anti Climb Security Paint is available in Black, Grey, Green, Red and White, it is an easy to apply high quality anti climb paint (anti-vandal or anti intruder) designed to economically deter intruders, it never dries*, which makes it very difficult to climb on and it is very difficult to remove from clothing. Anti Climb paint is one of the most economic and effective ways of deterring intruders and is frequently recommended by Police crime prevention officers. To see our range of anti climb warning signs please click here.
*On porous coatings 2-3 coats may be required to maintain film thickness. Durability is dependent upon several factors including film thickness and temperature.
Anti Climb Paint adheres well to most building materials and is ideal for factory sites, sports roofs, schools, private properties, garden sheds, church roofs, sports clubs etc.
Area of use:
Anti Climb Paint is for exterior use only, suitable substrates include: concrete, stone, brick, wood, asbestos and metal (including lead). Nb. we do not recommend using anti-climb paint for pets or wild animals.
Available Colours:
- Black
- Grey
- Green
- Red
- White
Please note the colours displayed on a screen or printed out can only ever be a guide to the actual colour as screen and printer settings always vary. Please note that the nature of the product is such that the white will not be a bright decorative white and when applied next to bright white surfaces may appear more creamy in colour.
Technical Information:
Sizes: 1 litre, 2.5 litres, 5 litres & 20 litres (4 x 5)
Finish: Semi gloss
Appearance: Glossy Gel
Volume solids: 46%
Specific Gravity: 1.1
Method of Application:
Stiff Brush, Trowel or by hand wearing protective gloves
The practical spreading rate for anti climb paint 1m² per litre for maximum effectiveness, coverage can be extended to 2-3 m² per litre but this will reduce its longevity (Coverage is dependent upon the porosity and roughness of the substrate. Porous surfaces may require more than one coat to be applied). Porous substrates should if possible be sealed first with a suitable primer.
Only use anti climb paint where legitimate or normal access is not permitted. You have a legal duty to display a clear warning notice when anti climb paint is used, these need to be easy to see from any angle of approach and repeated every 2 -3 linear metres. Available here from New Venture Products in a large range of sizes and materials to suit most situations.
To avoid any accidental contact we recommend that anti climb paint is applied at least 2 metres above ground or the normal access level. Contact with anti-climb paint may damage clothing and will be hard to remove.
We do not recommend using anti climb paint with wild animals or pets.
Using Anti Climb Paint:
Anti-climb paint, also known as security paint, anti burglar, non-drying paint or anti-vandal paint, is an easy and affordable way to protect your business, home, place of worship or commercial facility. You can find therange of anti climb paint here.
Whether you’ve had issues with intruders in the past or you’re simply taking preventative measures, here are some of the ways in which anti-climb paint can help protect your property.
Prevent Vandalism:
Anti-climb paint is thick and oily in consistency, similar to petroleum jelly, designed to make walls, fences and other surfaces slippery and hard to climb. The anti climb paint will form a thin skin helping to prevent leaves and the like from sticking to it but because it is thixotropic any pressure applied to it will make it return to liquid making it difficult for an intruder to gain a hand or foot hold.
Keep Trespassers Away:
You may think that your grounds are well secured, but intruders can climb fences, mount walls and scale lamp posts and drain pipes with relative ease. Once they’re on your land, they can enter buildings through windows, doors and other entrances, causing damage and stealing money or valuable items.
Anti-climb paint is a relatively harmless and effective way to defend your property from trespassers and thieves. The thick, greasy substance renders it almost impossible to get a good grip or foothold on a building. Most trespassers will be discouraged just by the sight of anti-climb paint signs.
Identify Intruders:
While contact with anti-climb paint is not harmful to a person’s health, it will stain the hands, body and clothes of anyone who touches it. Anti-vandal paint is often non-drying and dark in colour, making it messy and very difficult to wash away.
So as well as preventing break-ins and vandalism, anti-climb paint can help you and the police identify intruders, by the tell-tale signs of paint stains. Adding a coat of anti-vandal paint to your property will deter unwanted visitors, while making it easier to catch any criminals that do dare to intrude.
Please Note:
If anti-climb paint sounds like an ideal solution to your security needs, there are a few important legal requirements to follow. Firstly, always display a clear warning sign near painted surfaces, these signs should be clear and easy to see for anyone approaching your property and should typically be positioned every 2 - 3 linear metres. New Venture Products offer a large range of signs designed for different locations available here. Self adhesive signs are ideal for smooth flat surfaces, rigid plastic can be drilled or glued with a suitable adhesive and the aluminium composite signs can even be drilled and fixed to wire fences. The range of signs even include a glow in the dark sign which are ideal for dark unlit areas.
Secondly, only apply the paint a minimum of two metres above normal access height to prevent anyone accidentally getting anti climb paint on their clothing and keep it out of the way of innocent passers-by. Please remember that anti climb paint should not be used to deter or in areas regularly used by wild or domestic animals, they can't read signs.
When used correctly, anti-climb paint is one of the simplest, safest and most cost-effective ways to protect your property and keep it free from criminal damage. Available in a large range of colours and sizes, a coating of anti climb paint will help defend your premises, without detracting from its appearance. When applying anti climb paint to a porous substrate you should either seal the substrate or be prepared to apply 2 or even 3 coats as the paint will, particularly on hot days be absorbed in to the material. For maximum effectiveness it should be applied at least 1mm thick and in exposed areas might require regular re-application.
This article is designed as a guide and should not be used for any legal purpose and we recommend that if you are in any doubt over its suitability you take legal advice or consult with your local Police crime prevention officer who will be happy to advise about the legality of the application the householder or property owner intends to make. Please see the links to related products adjacent to this article for ordering.
Area of Use - Exterior only.
Do I need to use warning signs when I am protecting my own property?
Yes, under the Occupier's liability act 1984 householders have a duty of care to anyone on their property no matter whether they are legally entitled to be there or not.
How many anti climb warning signs do I need to use?
There is no fixed rule but by law you must make sure its reasonably clear, the general interpretation of this is that they must be displayed every 2-3 metres and be viewable from any direction of approach.
Are there any restrictions on where I can apply anti climb or vandal security paint?
You should always make sure that it is applied where it can not accidentally get on to passers by. The general interpretation of this is that it must be applied at at least 2 metres above any walkway, floor height or access point.